January 21, 2022

2022-2025 Strategic Plan

Alberta Real Estate Foundation: 2022-2025 Strategic Plan

We’re excited to share our 2022-2025 Strategic Plan with you. This plan is informed by What We Heard from you during our 30th Anniversary Stakeholder Engagement Sessions in the Spring of 2021, and an extensive internal review of the Foundation. We look forward to undertaking this work, guided by our Strategic Priorities and Goals, and by our continued engagement with you.

Outreach We will strengthen our external relationships to collaboratively advance the changing real estate industry.  • We will show up more, to increase the industry's and public's awareness of the work of the Foundation. We recognize the need to have a higher and clearer profile  • We will listen more, to ensure that we better understand and support the industry's needs  • We will invite more engagement, to connect better with the industry and increase the number of funding applications  • We will share more, to help the public and the industry understand the work of the Foundation better  Accountability We will enhance the impacts of the Foundation by better measuring and communicating the benefits of our activities and investments.  • We will establish measurement frameworks, to ensure that the foundation has the breadth and depth of impact that the industry needs and desires  • We will clarify what our work is, to streamline the targets and processes of our work  • We will clarify who the work impacts to better justify the granting processes and outcomes  • We will clarify how the work is done, to help support the industry and public understanding of our processes and impacts  Effectiveness We will optimize our internal capacity by continuously improving our organizational structures and processes. • We will objectively examine our internal processes to baseline our efficiency and effectiveness  • We will ensure that we have the right people in place doing the right things on our staff to maximize efficiencies  • We will ensure that we have the most meaningful, effective, and efficient governance by our board

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