June 19, 2018
June 2018 Community Investment

The Board of Governors of the Alberta Real Estate Foundation approved $279,000 in community investment projects at their recent meeting.
The Alberta Real Estate Foundation (AREF) supports and originates initiatives that enhance the real estate industry and benefit the communities of Alberta. AREF was established in 1991 under the Alberta Real Estate Act. Since then, it has awarded over 19 million dollars in community and industry grants to nearly 600 projects across Alberta.
Projects approved at the June meeting include:
Alberta Rural Development Network (ARDN) – A study on implementing the psychology of aesthetics in affordable housing developments
Through an innovative approach, the ARDN’s Sustainable Housing Initiative (SHI) is creating a building standard for developing affordable housing, which will act as a step by step guide for groups looking to replicate it. The creation of an affordable housing standard will not only redefine how affordable housing is developed and built, but will redefine how the broader community perceives new affordable developments. This new standard will be built on knowledge gathered through research that explores and test how to incorporate the psychology of aesthetics when building affordable housing. The key goal is to improve the mental and physical health of tenants through the incorporation of the psychology of aesthetics.
Edmonton Community Development Company – ArtsCommon 118 Community Engagement
ECDC will engage the Alberta Avenue community engagement around the project, design elements, foot print, economic impact, housing impact of the ArtsCommon 118 project – a two-facility Arts/Culture Hub with live work space for approx. 80 artists, retail/exhibition space, performance space, a rooftop farm and more.
Food4Good – Collective Kitchens Programming
Food4Good has been providing support through innovative programming addressing food insecurity since 2013. Collective Kitchens are group cooking opportunities for people to come together to prepare healthy recipes to take home and develop a sense of belong and community.
Highbanks Society – Resiliency through Industry Partnerships
This project will explore and develop creative partnerships with the Real Estate Industry (e.g. Landlords, property owners, builders, and developers), secure much needed housing for young single mothers, fill vacancies in market rental housing, and support the community. The project will engage real estate development consultants to work with Highbanks Board of Directors to develop a vision and strategy for growth. It will also engage with industry to establish a partnership model building resiliency for both.
Olds College – Smart Ag Digital Story Map
This project will develop a multimedia Smart Ag Digital Story Map showcasing the application of science and technology for greater efficiencies in land use and water management in Alberta, thus improving quality and quantity of food production (Smart Ag) at Olds College. With agriculture and agrifood production predicted to be the top drivers of Alberta’s future GDP growth, there is a need to tell the story of the learning, success and implementation of Smart Ag practices at Olds College to the wider Alberta community.
Olds College – Use of Native Wetland Plants and Cold Climate Floating Islands Systems for the Remediation of Contaminated Water and Water with Excess Nutrients
Water is the key ingredient and vital for human survival throughout the world but remediation, preservation and conservation has become cost prohibitive. Environmentally sustainable management of stormwater, wastewater, filtering runoff and water from snow melt through a changing climate to ensure a continuous fresh water supply is the focus of this project. The use of native wetland plants and cost effective floating island technology to clean the water prior to safe release into natural waterways, preserves aesthetics and enhances natural functionality of water sources, as well as providing a medium for additional food production. Research, education, and demonstration through proof of concept are key components to change and success for a healthy environment and resulting land stewardship.
Sylvan Lake Foundation – Sylvan Lake Sustainable Housing Initiative
This project will develop a sustainable housing strategy to identify housing needs and gaps within the community and propose innovative solutions to addressing affordable housing and aging-in-place challenges. The project will recommend new models for collaborative partnerships that could be implemented in our community to address housing challenges.