July 5, 2021
June 2021 30th Anniversary Legacy Investment in Our Community

The Alberta Real Estate Foundation’s 30th Anniversary Legacy Grants program supports distinctive and high-impact projects which drive transformational long-term change to advance the real estate industry and real estate across Alberta.
To celebrate our thirty years of impact, we have mobilized an additional $2M in community investment! Our Board of Governors have made a great start and invested $943,000 at our first grant meeting in June. Thank you to all those who provided an industry nomination!
Join us in celebrating our 30th Anniversary Legacy Grants projects — driving transformational change in the real estate industry and in communities across Alberta:
Indigenous Inclusion and Career Development in Alberta’s Commercial Real Estate Industry
By the Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) Edmonton
Indigenous Inclusion and Career Development in Alberta’s Commercial Real Estate Industry is the first collaborative project of its kind in real estate in Canada. The project will start as a pilot in the Edmonton region and Northeast Alberta and has three goals: 1) to raise awareness about Commercial Real Estate career opportunities among Indigenous people and invite them into the industry through a targeted campaign and outreach, 2) to provide training and employment opportunities to Indigenous people of various ages and stages in their lives, and 3) to provide Indigenous awareness education and engagement support to commercial real estate companies. Led by an experienced steering committee of Indigenous and non-Indigenous organizations and companies, the project is designed to become a full program that can be rolled out across Alberta and Canada by other organizations.
Civic Commons Catalyst: Transformative Revitalization in Alberta’s Underutilized Downtown Assets
By the University of Calgary, School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape
The Catalyst aims to take underutilized spatial assets in the City of Calgary and catalyze them into positive assets for the community that can revitalize the downtown. In Phase I of the project, the Catalyst identified zones of opportunity so that assets can be networked together and help focus strategies for economic development and impact investment. In this Phase II of the project, The Catalyst aims to mobilize the research produced in the first year in two key ways: 1) develop at least 6 in-depth project proposals for the City of Calgary, and 2) create a catalog of civic assets for three rural communities in Alberta, culminating in a series of both private and public knowledge mobilization and dissemination activities that will include one lecture event, at least one public exhibition, and at least one regional/national forum hosted by Evergreen that can center the Alberta real estate sector’s innovative approach to revitalization of downtowns.
Online Open Data Centre of Alberta Urban Real Estate
By the University of Alberta
Created with and for real estate industry professionals, researchers, policymakers and Albertans who need access to high-quality deep real estate data, the Online Open Data Centre for Alberta Urban Real Estate is a free public online data portal designed with the potential to be integrated with Alberta real estate industry databases, that informs on urban real estate, local economy, and quality of life. Unlike library collections directing users to databases or their providers, the Online Open Data Centre for Alberta Urban Real Estate develops and integrates neighbourhood-level data from different sources in one place that can be accessed by anyone anywhere, anytime.
The Alberta Real Estate Foundation invests in real estate policy, research, practices, and education that strengthen Alberta’s communities. Under the Real Estate Act, whenever a consumer deposits money in trust through a real estate broker, property manager, or commercial broker, the interest earned on the deposit is accumulated and forwarded to the Foundation for reinvestment into Alberta’s communities. On individual transactions, it is just a few cents, but across the province it really adds up.
Since its inception in 1991, the Foundation has invested over $23 million in grants to 650 initiatives across Alberta.