May 21, 2023

Real estate professionals are important stewards in a watershed

Text reading "Realtors: Caring for the lake together" overlaying a lake photo

When considering property near a lake, engaging with a real estate professional who can share stewardship information with you will positively impact the lake and your property value.

Welcome to the Lake is a program developed by the Pigeon Lake Watershed Association (PLWA) to engage real estate professionals in the Pigeon Lake area as healthy-lake stewards, providing valuable stewardship training and resources. While this is an initiative for Pigeon Lake, the resources provided will benefit REALTORS® selling properties in watersheds across the province.

The vision of the 2018 Pigeon Lake Watershed Management Plan, adopted by local municipalities and endorsed by stakeholder groups, is working together for a healthy watershed, healthy lake, and healthy communities. Engaging REALTORS® as stewardship ambassadors in the watershed provides an important resource for new homeowners. – Bob Gibbs, Chair Pigeon Lake Watershed Management Plan Steering Committee

The Welcome to the Lake program equips REALTORS® with information and professional development opportunities on: watershed basics for maintaining a healthy lake, low impact development solutions, and lake smart landscaping. This program also provides REALTORS® with a welcome stewardship package that they can provide to new lot owners. Explore the program and request a package.

Thank you to the working group members Cameron Benbow of Realty One Group (chair), Christine McFarland of Maxwell Progressive, Cathren Dorchester of Royal LePage Parkland, Merrick Duggan of Realty One, Catherine Peirce from the PLWA, and other healthy lake partners for their leadership on this program. In addition to support from the Alberta Real Estate Foundation, this project received support from Nature Alberta, the Alberta Lake Management Society, and the Alberta Low Impact Development Partnership.

The Central Alberta Realtors Association (CARA) recognizes the value in providing education and materials to REALTORS® that will advance their knowledge of best practices for homeowners living in a watershed. – Larry Westergard, Executive Officer, CARA

Prospective property owners are encouraged to ask their real estate professional about receiving Welcome to the Lake materials.

The PLWA is a charitable, non-profit environmental advocacy group made up of people who live, work and play in Pigeon Lake and its Watershed.

This project was funded in 2020 through the Foundation’s Grant Program, positively impacting sustainable land use planning and management in Alberta.

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