November 22, 2012
The Foundation Welcomes Charlie Ponde to our Board of Governors

In October of this year the Foundation welcomed its newest member to the board, Charlie Ponde. Charlie comes to us from the Alberta Real Estate Association and will stay on as a Governor for 3 years.
Charlie Ponde was born in India and completed his university education in the city of Mumbai.
Charlie immigrated to Canada 43 years ago. After working in the dental field, Charlie entered the
real estate profession in 1992, to fulfill a passion for buying and selling real estate and for
working with people. Charlie has been an active and full-time member of the REALTORS®
Association of Edmonton ever since. Charlie was first elected as a Director in 2003 and again in
Charlie was elected and served as the President of The Realtors® Association Of Edmonton in
2009 and now is a Life Member of the association. He served on numerous committees relating
to real estate including AREX Claims Committee, the Edmonton Realtors’ Charitable Foundation
(Governor and President), the Arbitration and Professional Standards Committee, the
Technology Committee and the Government and Political Action Committee.
An active member of the community, Charlie was involved with the: Affordable Housing
Committee, Sign of Hope Campaign – Catholic Social Services, The Christmas Bureau, Realty
Watch and the Neighborhood Watch Programs, St. Albert Lottery Board, St. Albert’s City Plan
2000 Advisory Committee (Municipal Development Plan) and the Edmonton Immigrant Services
Charlie is married to his wife Brenda for 30 years, has two married daughters and is very proud
of his grandchildren. Charlie loves travelling, golf, fitness, Yoga, and spending quality time with
his family and friends.