Additional Small Grants and Sponsorships 2019-2020 for COVID-19

In March, as the COVID-19 lockdown began, AREF’s Board recognized that the province’s real estate industry required additional short-term support, and in response, the Board more than doubled the Sponsorship and Small Grants budget by adding an additional $150,000 to ensure the Foundation responded nimbly to the needs of its stakeholders.

AREF has since collaborated with its valued industry partners and stakeholders—including Real Estate Boards, the Alberta Mortgage Brokers Association, and the Building Owners and Managers Association—to discuss how to use sponsorship funding to support them and help strengthen their ability to serve their members.

Amount Funded


Year Funded


Funding Priority

Real Estate Leadership: Build and elevate the capacity of real estate and related professionals to keep pace with the massive changes facing the real estate industry today and into the future.


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Alberta Real Estate Foundation

The Alberta Real Estate Foundation invests in real estate* policy, research, practices, and education that strengthen Alberta’s communities.