Creating Career Pathways in Commercial Real Estate

Creating Career Pathways in Alberta’s Commercial Real Estate Industry is the first collaborative project of its kind in real estate in Canada. The project will start as a pilot in the Edmonton region and Northeast Alberta and has three goals: (1) to raise awareness about Commercial Real Estate career opportunities among Indigenous people and invite them into the industry through a targeted campaign and outreach, (2) to provide training and employment opportunities to Indigenous people of various ages and stages in their lives, and (3) to provide Indigenous awareness education and engagement support to commercial real estate companies. Led by an experienced steering committee of Indigenous and non-Indigenous organizations and companies, the project is designed to become a full program that can be rolled out across Alberta and Canada by other organizations.

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The Alberta Real Estate Foundation’s 30th Anniversary Legacy Grants program supports distinctive and high-impact projects which drive transformational long-term change to advance the real estate industry and real estate across Alberta.

Amount Funded


Year Funded


Funding Priority

Real Estate Leadership: Build and elevate the capacity of real estate and related professionals to keep pace with the massive changes facing the real estate industry today and into the future.


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Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA)

Founded in 1907, the Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) International is a federation of U.S. local associations and global affiliates.