Enhancing Rural and Regional Real Estate through Community Learning
Residential, commercial, and industrial real estate are crucial to rural economic revitalization. This initiative will create learning resources for related professionals and the public in respect to the role that real estate can play in the economic, environmental and social recovery of rural and regional Alberta. This will help communities across the province design their own future – a future in which Alberta communities are healthy, sustainable, resilient, and safe. The resources and evidence-based best practices will be shared with communities across the province using a three-part delivery system consisting of: 1) Design charettes or workshops, 2) Online modules to supplement the workshops, and 3) Some material will be shared as open educational resources via the University’s social media channels.
Real Estate Leadership – Increase resilience and population retention in rural communities to support a stable real estate market through research into and/or implementation of policy, practices, or projects.
Amount Funded
Year Funded
Funding Priority
Real Estate Leadership: Build and elevate the capacity of real estate and related professionals to keep pace with the massive changes facing the real estate industry today and into the future.

Athabasca University
Our world-class accredited online degrees and courses are designed so you can complete your education wherever and whenever it works for you.
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