We actively work with municipalities in supporting policy harmonization, housing innovation and middle housing education across sectors. This includes our new program offering called “mddl School” aimed to empower housing providers, industry and everyday Canadians in navigating the land development process.
Funds will be used to sponsor not-for-profit organization and municipal representatives that are interested in attending the mddl school event. Each ticket is $750, allowing sponsorship of a total of 15 not-for-profit and municipal representatives to attend the two-day session.
The Foundation has sponsored 2 mddl school events in 2024, one sponsorship of $10,000 and a second one of $7500.
Amount Funded
Year Funded
Funding Priority
Built Environment: Understand and improve the sustainability and livability of the physical and social aspects of our human-made environment.
Canadian Urban Institute
We are the national platform that houses the best in Canadian city building — where policymakers, urban professionals, civic and business leaders, community activists and academics can learn, share and collaborate with one another from coast to coast to coast.
RNDSQR builds up inner cities through thoughtful placemaking. We build more than simply four walls; we use people-centered design as a tool to promote collision points and opportunities for collaboration.
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