Use of Native Wetland Plants and Floating Islands Systems for the Remediation of Contaminated Water

Water for Life is the key ingredient and vital for human survival throughout the world but remediation, preservation and conservation has become cost prohibitive. Environmentally sustainable management of stormwater, wastewater, filtering runoff and water from snow melt through a changing climate to ensure a continuous fresh water supply is the focus of this project. The use of native wetland plants and cost effective floating island technology to clean the water prior to safe release into natural waterways, preserves aesthetics and enhances natural functionality of water sources, as well as providing a medium for additional food production. Research, education, and demonstration through proof of concept are key components to change and success for a healthy environment and resulting land stewardship.

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Built Environment: Understand and improve the sustainability and livability of the physical and social aspects of our human-made environment.


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Olds College

Since its beginning as an agricultural and home economics school, Olds College has expanded its program offerings and has grown to offer more career focused programs over the years.