Stewarding Alberta’s Future Part 1 – Green Communities Guide
By Land Stewardship Centre of Canada

The Green Communities Guide will be an essential tool to help elected officials, municipal planners, developers, real estate associations, stewardship groups and citizens develop strategies to conserve water, protect water quality, conserve valuable agricultural land, and protect critical open space and wildlife habitat. Through the guide, municipalities, stewardship groups, and developers will be informed about the innovative approaches other communities are taking to avoid, mitigate, or reduce the impacts of growth and development, to maintain the flow of ecological goods and services from their landscapes.
Grant #: 2007-17
Author: Land Stewardship Centre
Year: 2009
Format: full hard copy available at AREF’s office

Land Stewardship Centre of Canada
We work with people to help improve their understanding of healthy ecosystems, support grass-roots community stewardship efforts and encourage the development of practices and policies that support sustainable resource use.
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