October 5, 2021

Alberta Real Estate Foundation Partners with Empower Me to Bring Energy Efficiency Education to Multilingual Homeowners

A woman in a black sweater presents next to a presentation board reading 'Empower Me'

October 6, 2021
For Immediate Release

Canada is celebrating Energy Efficiency Day – the people, the organizations, and the industries delivering more comfortable homes, more prosperous businesses, healthier schools, and bigger energy savings.

“This year, as Alberta celebrates Energy Efficiency Day and recognizes the multiple benefits of energy savings, we are happy to announce our partnership with Empower Me to help make energy savings accessible to everyone,” said Patti Morris, Executive Director at the Alberta Real Estate Foundation.

Empower Me is a free program that helps people save energy, save money, and increase the comfort and safety of their homes. Many new Canadians find their home has different heating systems than those used in their home country. Empower Me helps newcomers to better understand their home energy systems, energy bills, and other important home habits in Alberta, such as curbside recycling, composting, fire safety, and water conservation.

The response from those participating in energy savings workshops has been overwhelmingly positive. “We cut our power bill in half this last year. We look forward to ongoing savings and feel good about doing our part to protect our environment,” shared Kaliel, resident of Pickardville, Alberta. Similarly, Chris from Sherwood Park, Alberta, decided to upgrade the insulation in his home after learning more about energy efficiency. “It was a good investment to help save money long-term on my utility bills,” he said.

Learning how to save energy at home not only helps Alberta move towards a more energy efficient future — it is also an essential step to take as a new homeowner. According to Morris, “We’ve heard from our stakeholders that learning about energy efficiency is critical for real estate consumers in Alberta. Understanding energy efficiency in our homes increases the affordability of home ownership and empowers homeowners new to Alberta. We’re excited to support the real estate industry adopting these best education practices that reflect the diversity of Alberta real estate consumers.”

About Empower Me
Empower Me is an award-winning energy conservation program for new immigrants and diverse communities in Alberta, available in 16 different languages. The program encourages actions that save energy, reduce energy costs, and increase the overall comfort and safety of participants’ homes. In addition to Alberta Real Estate Foundation, Empower Me is sponsored by the cities of Calgary and Edmonton, EPCOR, and Fortis Alberta.

Since 2018 in Alberta, more than 6,750 people have received energy efficiency education through an Empower Me workshop. Consequently, more than 26,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions have been avoided as a direct result of these workshops, which is equivalent to taking 7,965 cars off the road for a year. To attend an Empower Me workshop, please contact: info@empowerme.ca

About the Alberta Real Estate Foundation
Created through the Alberta Real Estate Act, the Alberta Real Estate Foundation is a nonprofit organization that makes purposeful impact-oriented grants and investments that make a difference to the real estate industry and for all Albertans.

We support homeowners, real estate industry professionals, and land stewardship and development practices that contribute to thriving Alberta communities and a stronger economy. We do this by funding real estate-related education initiatives, law reform, research, and industry and community innovation activities. We connect people and share knowledge in collaboration with the real estate industry and public stakeholders.

Since 1991, the Foundation has invested $26.5 million in grants to over 665 initiatives across Alberta.

For more information, please contact
Amy Hennessy
Program Development Manager at Empower Me
604 828 9487

Teigan Kopec
Communications Specialist at the Alberta Real Estate Foundation
403 923 8346

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Efficiency Canada

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