January 25, 2022

Making our homes safer: Researchers work to own cancer by ridding Canadian houses of dangerous radon gas

Evict Radon: Radon test kit sitting on a counter

“An odourless, cancer-causing gas is building up in many Canadian homes. A University of Calgary radon research team, fuelled by renewed funding from the Alberta Real Estate Foundation to the OWN.CANCER campaign, is working to change this — owning cancer through prevention and partnership.”

Read the full Story from the University of Calgary

Read the recent media release New Canadian houses found to have much higher radon gas levels than those in Sweden

Evict Radon projects funded by the Foundation:
Alberta Solution to Reducing Radon Exposure in Homes
Understanding Behavioural Environmental Design Contributors of High Radon Exposure to Protect Canadian Health
Towards a Future Free of Radon in the Residential Built Environment

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