September 1, 2020
The Story of Inclusio – Accessible Housing (Calgary)

Submitted by Accessible Housing
Accessible Housing is a non-profit organisation and registered charity, which helps open doors to homes that are both accessible and affordable for people with limited mobility, a growing population with unmet needs in the province of Alberta. Recognising a need in the community for increased mobility-restricted and cost-effective housing, the Accessible Housing Society undertook the development a 45-suite home known as Inclusio.
Inclusio is located in the community of Capitol Hill in Calgary, Alberta. It is the first building of its kind designed to serve those with limited mobility not only in Calgary, but also within the province of Alberta. Inclusio features 45 studio suites, shared common living spaces and laundry rooms available on each floor, a central dining room (designed to offer three meals per day, seven days per week), and wellness room (complete with a therapeutic tub). Residents also have access to an enclosed parking garage (with parking stalls wide enough to accommodate specialised vehicles), as well as on-site administration, maintenance and housekeeping services.
Through the initial design, development and operation of Inclusio, Accessible Housing gained a great deal of knowledge about not only construction design and development but also additionally, how the services provided integrate in the most useful way for residents within the building design. Through a generous grant provided by the Alberta Real Estate Foundation, Accessible Housing has been able to gather this learned information and share the story of Inclusio with many stakeholders.

Further understanding of the needs that less than 3% of affordable housing units in Calgary are accessible; 58% of adults with disabilities in Calgary have incomes under $30,000 per year provides opportunity to reach out to government and other agency stakeholders to create plans for strategy and collaboration to fill a greater and increasing need.
The benefits realised through the building of Inclusio have been significant. Not only for residents but family members as well as staff working with residents each day.
While supportive living is not a new concept in the realm of housing the uniqueness of Inclusio is, as it was purpose built to support residents with limited mobility.
The success of Inclusio can be summed up best by comments shared from residents:
- “Allows us to go out into the community and feel safe and comfortable”
- “The supports we received offer us the ability to contribute to society (working/volunteering) and to offer what you can back”
- “Has given me a sense of hope, purpose and fulfillment”
- “Has helped reduce the feelings of uncertainty you feel when disabled”
- “My mom sleeps at night now not being worried to get a call that I have fallen and need help”
- “Accessible is not in the business of building places, they are in the business of saving lives”
- “I have so much I want to do and I feel like I can do it now!”
- “I was very isolated and depressed, now I have started to live”
- “My mom took a vacation for the first time in 10 years”
The ability for Accessible Housing to tell the story of Inclusio and share learnings will continue long into the future thanks again to the Alberta Real Estate Foundation (AREF). Together, we are creating opportunity that empowers people, and emphasises the importance of a more accessible Alberta.

To learn more about the important work Accessible Housing is doing visit our website