Sustainable Action Canmore Client Package
The project is to update, improve, post and then reprint, our highly popular Sustainable Action Canmore booklet and online supporting materials which AREF helped us produce in the fall of 2013. The booklets were developed with the help of local Real Estate Professionals who wanted easily accessible local information on water, energy, transportation, garbage and recycling for their clients new to Canmore. The booklets are creatively wrapped and packaged together as newcomer packages with the AREF TNS Sustainability at Home Toolkit, the Town of Canmore Recycling brochure and the local public transit brochure. Packages are given out to clients by Real Estate Professionals, property managers, the Town of Canmore and other organizations and businesses.
Amount Funded
Year Funded
Funding Priority
Land: Protect property value and support sustainable land use recognizing all real estate assets involve land.

Biosphere Institute of the Bow Valley
The Biosphere Institute of the Bow Valley empowers community leadership to address environmental challenges. Our work addresses human-wildlife coexistence and climate change through three core programs: WildSmart Community Program, Shift: Climate Transitions, and Future Leaders.
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