Installing Chargers in Apartments and Condos Policy pathways to make Alberta multi-unit residences EV-ready
By Pembina Institute

This short guide summarizes the actions that Alberta municipalities and the provincial government can take to support the installation of electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure in multi-unit residential buildings (MURBs). The guide additionally outlines measures that stakeholders such as financial institutions, utilities and industry associations, can implement to contribute to electric vehicle preparedness in MURBs, which will make a building more desirable to live in and boost its market value ─ a clear benefit to property owners.
Given current and projected growth rates in the EV sector, policy makers, utilities and municipalities need to create a regulatory environment that will advance the construction of charging infrastructure to keep pace.
Increasing access to charging equipment ─ regardless of the type of housing residents live in ─ is essential to a successful transition away from internal combustion vehicles while improving both air quality and health outcomes. Moreover, the installation of chargers in MURBs addresses equity issues by ensuring that residents, independent of income level, have equal access to the power sources they need to operate a personal vehicle.
These policy pathways provide actionable measures that can help make MURBs EV-ready

Pembina Institute
The Pembina Institute is working to solve today’s greatest energy challenges — reducing the harmful impacts of fossil fuels while supporting the transition to an energy system that is clean, safe and sustains a high quality of life.
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